
Tuesday, October 22, 2013

P4 - Bahasa Inggris

Kuliah ini selalu bikin gerogi, wkwkwkwk...tadi ada sedikit kesalahan. Hm, ya semoga nanti pas ujian bisa dijadikan pelajaran, yang tadi nyamakan jawabanku, sory rek, :p semoga nanti bisa ya. hehehe...

Tadi waktu kuliah dimulai langsung review tentang simple present tense, cek this out :

Review :
  1. He will come earlier.
    will he come earlier ?
  2. It is too hot to be here.
    Is ti too hot to be here ?
  3. It can fly high.
    Can it fly high ?
  4. He comes on time every meeting.
    Does he come on time every meeting ?
Pokoknya jangan lupa nanti kalo awalnya dia kalimat Positif dengan menggunakan S/ES, pas diganti / dirubah menjadi kalimat tanya, s/es nya dihilangkan, hahahaha...tadi punyaku hanya betul 1...wkwkwkwk...memalukan.

A. Please write down and underline the action verb

Nany is a scientist. She comes from england but now she lives in Switzerland. She work three days a week at the institure of molecular biology in Geneva. She speaks three languages English, Franch and German. She has married and has a daughter. She likes skiing in winter and going for walks in summer.

B. Please create 8 questions based on the text !
  1. Is Nany a scientist ?
  2. Does she come from England ?
  3. Does she live in switzerland ?
  4. Does she work three days a week ?
  5. Does she speak three languages ?
  6. Does she has a daughter ?
  7. Does she like skiing ?
  8. Has she married ?